DC Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA)
Office Hours (9am-5pm, M-F), 24 HoursChild Protection Services, Placement Services and the Abuse and Neglect Hotline is 24 hrs
200 I St. SE, Washington, DC 20003
States where the organization has representation or a license to practice law
- Maryland
- Washington, D.C.
A Title IV-E Child Welfare Agency in the District of Columbia managing prevention, foster care, in-home and adoption services.Location(s) of the organization
- Maryland
- Washington, D.C.
Type of Organization
- Case Management
Specialized Competency
- Runaway/Homeless Youth
Target Populations and Restrictions
Populations Served
Domestic, ForeignLanguage Capabilites
French, French Creole, English, Spanish, AmharicTarget Populations
- Serve all genders
- Serve all genders
Service Restrictions
Age Restrictions: Up to age of 21 for foster care
Direct Victim Services
Basic Necessities
- Child welfare referral
- Family reunification
- Paid internships
- Unpaid internships
Housing Services
- Housing financial assistance (includes expenditures for client's rent, shelter stay, hotel/motel stay, temporary host stays, foster placements, or other housing expenses)
- Transitional housing (>30 days)
Case Management Services
- Child welfare case management (adoption, pre-adoption, foster care, guardianship)