DC Crime Victim's Compensation Program

Office Hours (9am-5pm, M-F)
Additional hours of operation: 8:30am-5pm (M-F); 9am-12pm (Sat.); 6:30pm-8pm (W)
Court Building A, 515 5th St., Suite 109, Washington, DC 20001

States where the organization has representation or a license to practice law

  • Washington, D.C.


The Crime Victims Compensation Program is funded by fines and fees paid to the DC Courts. Monies are used to compensate victims for out of pocket crime-related expenses for: medical treatment and medications; mental health counseling; funeral and burial costs; loss of wages; cleaning of a crime scene; replacement of value of clothing held as evidence; reimbursement for car rental while vehicle is being held as evidence; temporary emergency shelter where necessary for the health and safety of the victim; and home security for the safety of the victim.

Location(s) of the organization

  • Washington, D.C.

Type of Organization

  • Legal Services

Specialized Competency

Victims of a crime
Can assist victims of crime with expenses related to the offense, such as health care, counseling, & shelter.

Target Populations and Restrictions

Target Populations


  • Serve all genders

Direct Victim Services

Basic Necessities

  • Personal items (includes material goods or support to obtain goods including food, clothing, toiletries, housing supplies)

Other Services

Other Legal Services: Financial compensation for victims of a crime