Loving Arms
Referral Process: Free and voluntary
1227 Etting Street, Suite 301 Baltimore Maryland 21217
States where the organization has representation or a license to practice law
- Maryland
To provide holistic treatment services to children, the elderly, their families and the communities in which they live. Accepts minors who have been sex trafficked for shelterLocation(s) of the organization
- Maryland
Type of Organization
Education, outreach, emergency shelter, treatment and counseling, prevention, follow-up supportSpecialized Competency
Residential services for youth to age 24Service Restrictions
Age Restrictions: Youth younger than 24
Direct Victim Services
Basic Necessities
- Personal items (includes material goods or support to obtain goods including food, clothing, toiletries, housing supplies)
- Transportation (includes metro/subway passes, bus tickets, etc.)
Education Services
- Life skills training (includes managing personal finances, self-care, and programs that help clients achieve self-sufficiency)
Housing Services
- Emergency housing (<30 days)
Case Management Services
- Mentorship
Mental/Behavioral Health Services
- Emotional/moral support / Supportive counseling
- Peer Support
Contact Information
After Hours Contact
Cindy R. Williams443-415-1174